Tales from the Humber

October Newsletter Issue Two

I am having issues with something I can do nothing about. I hate the nights drawing in. However lovely Autumn colours can be, there isn’t a lot of colour around yet. In my younger days, I worked on a tree nursery and over Autumn and Winter we pruned and shaped the trees. For those who think tree branches are brown, the dropped prunings were a feast of colour, pink and purple, greens and grey. The new buds plumping over the winter bringing the promise of Spring.  

This is supposed to be the season of mellow fruitfulness but not for my website. It proceeds so slowly that I sometimes think it will never get finished. To get it up and published will be a reason for celebrating. Jamie got quite a lot done last Monday but I was supposed to do some work on it before he comes again.  I’m doing something wrong because I can’t log in. I swear the computer is smirking!

I messaged Jamie for help, but he says it’s working for him. Thank goodness he is coming to give me help tomorrow. I’m not a natural with technology and feel stupid and frustrated. Instead, I continued writing and editing my essay entitled ‘Art as Metaphor’ my submission for an interdisciplinary open concerning ‘Carbon, Borders, Voices’. It sounds very interesting, having categories including writing, poetry, visual art, photographs, scientific articles.  

I am yearning to get my head down and make actual artwork again. I’m always a bit lost when I finish a series of work, rather like falling off the end of a pier and having to swim to land. Now I’m old, I can’t do more than one thing at once so when the website is up, I can get on with artwork.  My worktable is full of wash coated paper ready for playing. I do have ideas but need to try them out. Preferably as soon as possible.